Covid Safety Protocols

Covid-19 Protocol

Subject to change depending upon state and local guidelines at time of camp.

Pick-up/Drop-off Procedures:
  • All campers and staff will have their temperature taken upon arrival. Campers will then be led directly to their group for activities.
Disinfecting/Cleaning Procedures:
  • Cleaning and disinfecting of premises will be conducted in compliance with CDC protocols on a daily basis.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available to all staff and campers throughout the base.
  • Staff will clean and disinfect common areas (e.g., restrooms, cafeterias) and surfaces which are touched by multiple people (e.g., entry/exit door knobs, stair railings) frequently. If one space is used by multiple participant groups at different points in time, all common areas and high-touch surfaces will be disinfected between groups.
Staff Education:
  • Staff members will be trained in accordance with CDC guidelines (e.g., hand washing, monitoring and reporting signs and symptoms, cleaning and disinfecting).
Camper Education:
  • All campers will be informed in small groups at the beginning of the camp session on how to stay safe and healthy (e.g., proper hand washing, cough etiquette, when to wear face coverings, physical distancing).
Physical Distancing:
  • Campers and counselors will be organized into “group cohorts” that will remain together all day, every day. Groups will not come within 6 feet of contact with each other, except in uncommon situations when social distancing cannot be maintained (e.g., rainy days, or some emergency situations).
  • Campers and counselors will be required to practice social distancing and wear masks accordingly.
  • Campers will bring their own meals as feasible and eat in separate areas or with their smaller group.
  • The cafeteria and other eating areas will be sanitized before and after every meal by employees.
  • Concessions will be simplified and will only serve food that is pre-packaged and store bought.
  • If camper or staff member does contract COVID-19, they should remain isolated at home for a minimum of 10 days after symptom onset and can be released after feverless and feeling well (without fever-reducing medication) for at least 72 hours OR has 2 negative COVID-19 tests in a row, with testing done at least 24 hours apart.
  • Staff will be removed from the camp ground if signs of illness appear and asked to go home.
  • If a camper exhibits any symptoms of illness, they will be isolated immediately, and the parents will be asked to pick up their camper.

What are the safety protocols that Good Times are taking to keep my child safe?

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Good Times